Frequently Asked Questions

Employer Partner FAQs

Frequently asked questions for Employer Partners about our programs, your responsibilities, and additional information.

What is supported employment?

Morningside’s Supported Employment program is a creative approach to employment for people with disabilities and a valuable resource for local businesses. Employees with disabilities receive individualized training and long-term support to ensure their performance meets employer standards and expectations and encourages job retention.

Where do Morningside’s clients come from?

People come to Morningside from a variety of sources. The majority of clients are referred from the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) or Developmental Disability Administration (DDA), local school districts, and other community partners.

What are the advantages to an employer participating in this program?

Businesses who participate in hiring persons with disabilities report lower turnover rates, training & recruitment costs, higher customer satisfaction, improved job performance and morale for work teams.

How does Morningside’s Supported Employment Program work?

After a careful assessment of an individual’s skills and vocational interests, a Morningside job developer will conduct a job search in the community, assisting prospective employers in the identification of appropriate jobs and tasks to meet the needs of their specific businesses. A comprehensive job analysis is conducted to ensure a good employer/employee match. An applicant is referred followed by a job interview, after which the final hiring decision is the employer’s.

How is Morningside involved after placement?

Employment specialists, or job coaches, assist new employees with a comprehensive job orientation, followed by on-going, individualized training and assistance to promote satisfactory work performance on an as-needed basis. They may also provide job modification assistance to employers, disability awareness training for co-workers, or job retention services to the employee and business on a long term basis.

What reasonable accommodations will I be expected to make for my new employee and what will they cost?

The employment specialist may analyze job tasks, restructure how specific job tasks are completed or teach tasks differently to best fit employer/employee needs. Most accommodations cost nothing at all and, in most cases, the employment specialist’s time is free to the employer.

What if I hire someone and it doesn’t work out?

Morningside staff will offer a variety of support services to make your employment relationship successful. However, as in the case of any employee, you are the employer and you make final decisions regarding your business.

How does Supported Employment benefit the community?

When you provide a job opportunity to an individual with a disability, you are enriching the community by contributing to diversity in the workplace. Also, you are helping to relieve the strain on the community’s tax base by adding more taxpayers to the workforce.

Still have questions?

Contact Morningside staff to learn more about the benefits of becoming an Employer Partner today! Find more information on our Partner with Morningside page.