Partner with Morningside

Looking for Great Employees? Partner with Morningside.

Morningside provides recruitment, consulting, employee training, job analysis and coaching services at no cost to employers. Become an Employer Partner today.

Our professional staff will assist in utilizing the talents and skills of applicants with disabilities in your workplace. Applicants are searching for a variety of positions in different industries, seeking part-time to full-time positions depending on business needs. The right match between our participants’ skills and your employment needs is crucial to our mutual success. As Greg Stormans, owner of Ralph’s and Bayview Markets, puts it, “Why wouldn’t you team up with Morningside?”

Job Placement Benefits May Include:

Reduce hiring costs

Our job placement service matches qualified, pre-screened employees with disabilities to the right positions in your business.

Lower Labor & Training costs

Morningside will provide on-the-job assistance for newly hired workers as long as is needed. We can provide your business with expert training, consultation and resources which can benefit all of your workers.

Additional Potential Economic Benefits

You will receive up-to-date information on tax credits for hiring workers with disabilities, plus resources for work site modifications, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and accommodations.

Lower Turnover Rates

At Pizza Hut, turnover among non-disabled, entry level workers is 250% annually. Among its employees with disabilities, the rate is only 32%. In 10 states where they provided a mentor, turnover was down to 2% demonstrating how Supported Employees are a great investment.

Talent Utilization

Maximize workforce efficiency by freeing up highly paid workers from routine tasks and create an opportunity to hire. We can develop a detailed analysis of target positions and can suggest workflow alternatives that are more efficient, saving your company time and money.

Increased Customer Base

Nearly 1 in 5 Americans has a disability, resulting in over 56 million Americans with disabilities. This population is the largest minority group in the US and represents over one trillion dollars in aggregate income. In addition to persons with disabilities, friends and family members are more likely to become customers, having the highest regard for companies that support inclusion.

Types of Roles We Fill

We work with employers to customize positions based on the employer's needs. Email us if you would like more information on how to create a position to fill your business needs.

Example Positions Include: 


Child Care Attendant: caretaking, snack time and light janitorial


Dealership Service Department: scanning & filing, record maintenance, phones.


Mailroom Clerk: receiving, scanning, date stamping, sorting and mail delivery.

Veterinary & Animal Care

Groomer or Vet Aid: assisting with procedures, sterilization, kennels, exercising, feeding/watering animals, grooming.


Cashier or Stockroom Assistant: customer services, stocking, scanning, faxing, light janitorial, process incoming freight, quality assurance


Dealership Service Department: scanning & filing, record maintenance, phones.

Food Services

Café Team Member: restocking condiment bar, busing tables, customer service, light janitorial, food prep, dishwashing.

Warehouse & Manufacturing

Production Associate: assembling products, operating machinery


Lawn Care: operating mower, rake, edging/trimming, sweeping.


Administrative Assistant: file management, restocking and ordering supplies, scanning, phones, destroying confidential documents and more!

Ready to hire a great employee?

Access our no-cost recruitment, consulting, training, and coaching services. Contact Morningside to become an Employer Partner today!