Support Our Work

Our longtime mission to foster a world where people with disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else is only possible with the vision and forethought of supporters like you.

Your generosity ensures that students and adults with disabilities receive the employment services they need and deserve. Together we can accomplish great things and transform the lives of people with disabilities.

Mail a Check or Give Online

Mail in your donation to:
PO Box 7936
Olympia, WA 98507

Ways to Support Morningside

Make a donation anytime, by mail or over the telephone. Gifts can be one-time, or scheduled over the course of the year.  For more information on any of these giving opportunities, please contact us or email our CEO, Jonathan Pleger directly at

“Everyone deserves a chance. Everyone can do something. An employer can match a job that their business needs to fit the strength of the person with a disability.”

- Erica Nation, Pita Pit

“Looking past the disability and seeing the person that they really are is the biggest thing.”

- Thomas Black, Warehouse Demo Services

“Felix is awesome. He is a huge help to us. He does everything that is asked of him and he is a good guy.”

Hany Mosad, Manager of the Federal Way Jack in the Box