Morningside Stories

Celebrating our Employer Partners & Client's Successes

News & Announcements

Congratulations, Corbin!

We've had the honor of supporting Corbin McGearey over the years, and during that time, he had worked for Aramark at The Evergreen State College for 12 years before being laid off for a year due to COVID. Instead of being discouraged, Corbin decided to volunteer three days a week at the Olympia Senior Services For South Sound, washing dishes and assisting with meal preparation for the Meals on Wheels program. During this time, the Meals on Wheels program delivered approximately 1,000 meals per week as more people were unable to eat at the senior center due to COVID.

In addition to his volunteer work, Corbin met with his Morningside Career Consultant (CC) on a regular basis to update his resume and look for new job opportunities. Corbin's hard work has paid off, as he recently celebrated his three-year anniversary as a Dishwasher for Unidine Corporation at Revel Lacey. He was able to apply many of the skills he learned through volunteer work and previous work experience to his current position at Unidine. All the residents and Corbin’s coworkers regularly show their appreciation for Corbin and his hard work. Corbin consistently expresses his gratitude for his coworkers and his CC by handing out cards to everyone, especially during holidays when he’s able to dress up.

Corbin, congratulations on three years at your current job! We're looking forward to seeing what you do next.

Outstanding Employers Award

Washington Association of Counties

The Washington State Association of Counties is a new partner but a great one, finding ways to extend a role tied to legislative session into a permanent position.

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Client Successes

Congratulations, Corbin!

We've had the honor of supporting Corbin and their amazing work in our community for the last twelve years.

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Outstanding Employers Award

NW Diesel is 2021's Outstanding Employer!

Derek Black, owner of NW Diesel, supported Bruce Voss's journey from a part-time janitorial role to a skilled mechanic, fostering his development and seamless integration into the team with steadfast support and guidance.

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