Morningside Stories

Celebrating our Employer Partners & Client's Successes

News & Announcements

Fatso's Bar & Grill

Fatso's Bar & Grill has been a Morningside partner since 2017. Manager Brandon Weedon hired Kevin Crowley, one of the people we've had the pleasure of supporting over the years. Kevin has been working at Fatso's for 6 years and averages 6 hours per week. Kevin's duties at Fatso's include wiping tables and bar counters, and cleaning the grounds, windows and assists with other janitorial tasks as needed.

Brandon is an excellent manager and accommodates changes in Kevin's transportation needs. He demonstrates genuine concern for Kevin as an individual, not just an employee. Brandon and his team understand the importance of Kevin's job and what it means to him. They are regularly asking how to better support Kevin and foster his independence and growth.

We recognize Fatso's Bar & Grill for their patience and their ability to adapt to and accommodate Kevin's needs over the years. They care about Kevin's overall well-being as an employee and person and treat him with dignity and respect. We're proud to have Fatso's Bar & Grill as an Employer Partner and one of our 2022 Outstanding Employers.

Outstanding Employers Award

A-1 Performance

A-1 Performance is an invaluable partner hiring our Creative Employment clients and is a 2022 Outstanding Employer!

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Client Successes

From Shop Assistant to Model

Erica's Pre-Employment Transition Internship led to a role she loves as shop assistant in a boutique and coffee shop - and even led to some modeling!

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Outstanding Employers Award

Washington Association of Counties

The Washington State Association of Counties is a new partner but a great one, finding ways to extend a role tied to legislative session into a permanent position.

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