Morningside Stories

Celebrating our Employer Partners & Client's Successes

News & Announcements

A-1 Performance

A-1 Performance, Inc. is a growing commercial janitorial service company that has become a great asset to our Community Protection clients. Owner, Doug Fraley, has hired some of our clients who might have been challenging to place because of unique challenges and behaviors. He provides proper accommodations for each of our clients and their individual needs. A-1 Performance has been an Employer Partner since 2015 and since then, have employed 12 Morningside clients in both Thurston and Pierce Counties. We appreciate A-1's willingness to hire our Community Protection clients without judgement, giving them a chance for successful employment.

We are proud to partner with A-1 Performance, Inc. and award them a 2022 Outstanding Employer Award. We look forward to more years to come.

Employer Partners

City of Tacoma's Pilot Project Lead to a Great Hire

Tacoma's HR department wanted to pilot an Administrative Aide position and we had the perfect candidate.

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Employer Partners

20 Years of Partnership with Port Angeles Safeway

Michael LaGrange is the manager of the Port Angeles Safeway has been a strong advocate for hiring people with disabilities. One chance encounter at a martial arts studio lead to a great hire in Ryan.

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Client Successes

From Culinary Internship to Line Cook

Hayden used his culinary skills to turn an internship into a job as a line cook that he's passionate about.

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