Morningside Stories

Celebrating our Employer Partners & Client's Successes

News & Announcements

Keeping Tacoma's HR Department Organized

Kelly Kim is a 2018 Curtis High School graduate and knew exactly what she wanted to do and nothing was going to stop her from making her dreams a reality! Because of Kelly’s strong attention to detail and passion for reading, she knew she would excel in an office environment as a file clerk. While still in high school, Kelly began working to build as many file clerk skills as she could. Kelly knew exactly where to get the necessary skills so she began volunteering at a number of different worksites including the Curtis High School Library, The Tacoma Children’s Museum, and the Pearl Street YMCA.

In July 2018, Kelly was hired with the City of Tacoma Human Resources Department as a File Clerk working Monday through Friday, 20 hours per week. Kelly’s job consists of maintaining employee files for everyone employed by the City of Tacoma. Kelly identifies every piece of paper and then files it appropriately. With over 3,500 employees, this is no easy task However, Kelly makes it look seamless and quite easy! Because of Kelly’s amazing work, other departments have reached out asking for her help. Kelly takes pride in what she does and is proud of how far she has come. She is making her dreams a reality.

Outstanding Employers Award

Fatso's Bar & Grill

Fatso's Bar & Grill has been a Morningside partner since 2017. Manager Brandon Weedon hired Kevin Crowley, one of the people we've had the pleasure of supporting over the years. Kevin has been working at Fatso's for 6 years and averages 6 hours per week.

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Employer Partners

City of Tacoma's Pilot Project Lead to a Great Hire

Tacoma's HR department wanted to pilot an Administrative Aide position and we had the perfect candidate.

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Client Successes

Keeping Tacoma's HR Department Organized

It's Kelly's job to file every paper that comes to the City of Tacoma's HR about the city's 3,500 employees.

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